西文口譯價錢語言翻譯公司板上列位大大好: 小弟有幸被東京大學的PEAK Programme登科,因為之前有在板上發文,也獲得許多先輩的 心得及匡助翻譯華頓翻譯社今天進展能留下我此次申請的心得,供斟酌申請PEAK的台灣學子參考用。 課程網站:https://peak.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ 在國際化的潮水下,東京大學在2012年開始稱為PEAK的英文講課計畫,今朝有兩個主修: 1) Environmental Science 2) Japan in East Asia 根基高中成就要求: SAT: a combined score of 2060 for Reasoning section ACT: an average score of 30 IB: a total of 36 points out of 42 GCE-A Levels: A/A/B Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level: A/A in H2 華頓翻譯社的成就是 ACT: 32 IB: 43 台灣的學子假如想要前去東大的PEAK就讀的話,SAT/ACT申請都是可行的翻譯 國內的成就換算的部份,建議扣問PEAK的辦公室。 別的附上2015平均登科成就: Average scores of successful applicants for the 2015 enrollment are: SAT: a combined score of 2296 for Reasoning section ACT: an average score of 32 IB: total of 39 out of 42 FAQ 網站:https://peak.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/faq/index.html 申請分為兩個部門: 1) 書面審查 2) 面試 書面審查在十一月左右繳交,接著進入兩個多月的守候期,我是在二月初被通知面試的。 面試: 面試所在是當初在書面的申請中,申請人可以要求離本身比來的大城市。台灣部份,只會 在台北面試。我當初申請高雄,東大見告僅能在台北面試。 面試是由PEAK外派一位外籍傳授,並與大學做視訊貫穿連接,總共五個傳授進行面試翻譯華頓翻譯社對這 的大陣容其實蠻驚奇的;同時候申請的英國大學,均指派兩小我來亞洲面試,並且還指定 馬來西亞、新加坡、和香港,東大的作法其實很親熱又輕易翻譯 面試所在於台北101的37樓,以下是我寫給大學指點員的敷陳,盡我可能的詳載內容,如 有其他問題,請再向我提出。 Interviewers Five people in total翻譯社 four males and one female. One male was on-site, whereas the other 4 were video-linked from Tokyo. Two male professors with scientific specialties are in charge with academic questions. (Elaborated in the following sections) Interview Procedure Part A: In-depth follow-up questions on essay submitted Part B: General Inquiries regarding to intended major Part C: Academic questions with regards to subjects studied in school Interview Questions Part A: Personalized interviews with regards to the essay submitted. Emphasis is placed on the opinion-piece (second essay). E.g. How does one segregate excessive individualism and creativity? Part B: General Inquiries -What is your motivation for applying to your intended major? -Identify a social problem and propose a scientific solution to it. -Your experience with Japan Part C: Academic Questions -Identify the process involved from transcription to translation -Describe how protein is made -Given the same genetic code, how can two twins be different in appearances? Sketch -how can the linear function: y=x+1 be used to estimate the value of the aforementioned hyperbolic function given x value >> 1 -Why is quadratic function x2+x+1 more suitable than the linear function for estimation of the original function? Official Interview Ends -Opportunity to ask questions -Inquiry on interviewee's other college options 整體來講,東京的面試十分友善,面試官會準備瓶裝水(不認得的外國牌子),給翻譯公司在一 小時長的interview 中飲用。問題範圍也很廣,我是申請情況科學,然則必需商量一些 人文方面的問題,像是社會問題,教育軌制等等。 面試獨一的難題在於個中兩名日籍傳授的發音有些恍惚,經常需要他們再說一次,感受上 對他們有些不禮貌,建議是特別細心凝聽,真的不懂再提問。個中的數學傳授,在被我要 求反複句子兩次後,顯著有些不耐性。 今朝先寫到這,有空再加課程的優瑕玷翻譯

本文來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/JapanStudy/M.1491992723.A.9E3.html有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社

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