
Charles is shy and does not take the initiatives in making acquaintances. 查爾斯很害臊,他不會自動交朋侪。

Trick在這裡是「把戲」或「手法」的意思,do the trick意思是「到達想要的結果」、「奏效」,也可以用turn the trick。

a)    營業對口、同行

For women, the challenge of using effective body language is much greater.  Professional women, especially leaders 翻譯公司 are constantly under the scrutiny of the b)double-bind dilemma.  If you are assertive and speak your mind, you are considered as masculine and bossy.  If you speak fluent c)euphemisms, express your feelings and consideration of others 翻譯公司 you are too soft and feminine.